- Web-based mail are at the mercy of internet connection. Sometimes they may not be accessible.
- For those who are on time-based charge for access into internet, web-based email can be very costly.
- It is often difficult to get your preferred name on web-based mail. Often one has to accept some number appended to your name for such email.
One alternative is to pay for a POP email account from one of the ISP. Some ISP provide email account with internet access. Some don't. For broadband user with no POP email, one possibility is pay for a POP email that come with a dial-up access. They are available for a couple of dollars a month.
So what else can be done? Get a domain name and a low cost web-hosting! At www.GigaCheapDomain.com, you can get a domain name for less than $8/- per year. When you get an entry level web-hosting service for US$3.99 per month, you also get 500 email accounts free (together with a host of other free features). These email are accessible both as web-based email and POP email. For a family of 4, this works to less than a dollar a month. If you have 50 other persons that have similar need (only 10% of the 500 email accounts available) and willing to pay you $1/- per month, you will make $46/- per month ($500 per year - buy a new computer every year) and have all the email accounts that your family needed. You even can have dedicated email for personal use only and others for "public" distribution.
More important point to note is that you now can have meaningful name for your email. If you happen to be Harry Potter (not the one in the book or movie) living in America, you can register a domain name as Potter-Home.com (I've just checked that it is still available as I write this blog...I don't think it will be for long ...:)
You then can have your email as Harry@Potter-Home.com.
Sure beats being Harry12345@web-based email.
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